Text area

It is an important tool for creating intuitive and effective conversational interfaces that can collect and process large amounts of user input.

Configuring the text area element

Text area settings

The text area offers the following configuration options:



  • Label - the label of the text area
  • Placeholder - the placeholder text that appears in the text area
  • Has clear - content clear property
  • Helpertext - additional information about the text area field (can be hidden inside an infopoint)


The default value for the element can be configured here, this will autofill the text field when you will run the process.


There are multiple validators can be added to a text area element (more details here).


The text area’s behavior can be defined using JavaScript expressions for hiding or disabling the element. The following properties can be configured for expressions:

  • Hide - JavaScript expression used to hide the text area when it returns a truthy value
  • Disabled - JavaScript expression used to disable the text area when it returns a truthy value

It’s important to make sure that disabled fields have the same expression configured under the path expressions → hide.

UI actions

UI actions can be added to the text area field to define its behavior and interactions.

  • Event - possible value: CHANGE
  • Action Type - select the action type

For more details on how to configure a UI action, click here.

Text area styling

The ability to style the text area element using CSS properties is relevant because it allows you to customize the appearance of the text area to match the overall design of the website or application.

UI Designer styling