πŸš€ Welcome to FlowX.AI Release Notes.

Stay updated with the latest features and improvements! Follow the Release Notes space to discover what’s happening in the FLOWX.AI world and the exciting updates we have for you.

Version 4.1.2

πŸš€ Introducing Release 4.1.2 - June 2024

Version 4.1.1

πŸš€ Introducing Release 4.1.1 - June 2024

Version 4.1

πŸš€ Introducing Release 4.1 - May 2024

Version 4.0

πŸš€ Introducing Release 4.0 - April 2024

Migrating from v3.4.x

Migration guides

For Release Notes older than v3.x and documentation, please refer to our old documentation website:

Version 2.x.x