Configuring the radio field element

Radio settings

The available configuration options for this form element are:


  • Process data key - creates the binding between form element and process data so it can be later used in


  • Label - the label that appears on the radio
  • Helpertext - additional information about the radio (can be hidden inside an infopoint)


  • Default Value - the default values of the radio element
  • Source Type - it can be Static, Enumeration, or Process Data
  • Add option - label - value pairs can be defined here


The following validators can be added to a radio: required and custom (more details here).


The radio’s element behavior can be defined using JavaScript expressions for hiding or disabling the element. The following properties can be configured for expressions:

  • Hide - JavaScript expression used to hide the Radio element when it returns a truthy value
  • Disabled - JavaScript expression used to disable the Radio element when it returns a truthy value

It’s important to make sure that disabled fields have the same expression configured under the path expressions → hide.

UI actions

UI actions can be added to the radio element to define its behavior and interactions.

  • Event - possible value: CHANGE
  • Action Type - select the action type

For more details on how to configure a UI action, click here.

Radio styling


The type of the radio can be selected by using the styling tab in UI Designer, possible values:

  • clear
  • bordered


You can customize the typography for the following properties:

  • Label
  • Options
  • Helper & errors

For more details on how to upload and manage fonts, check the following section:

Font management

For more valid CSS properties, click here.

A Radio element with two options added, and with a layout configuration set to horizontal will look like as it follows: