
Before retrieving document URLs, ensure:

  1. Access Permissions: Ensure that the user account has the necessary access rights.

  2. Kafka Configuration:

  • Verify Kafka Setup: Ensure proper configuration and accessibility of the Kafka messaging system.
  • Kafka Topics: Understand the Kafka topics used for these operations.
  1. Document Types: Prepare information for updating or deleting files:
  • types: A list of document types.

Configuring the getting URLs process

To obtain document URLs, follow these steps:


Create the process

Create a process that will contain the following types of nodes:


Configure the User Task

Start configuring the User Task node:

Node Config

  • Data stream topics: Add the topic where the response will be sent; in this example ai.flowx.updates.document.html.persist.v1 and its key: uploadedDocument.


We will configure the following node actions:

  • Upload File action (“uploadDocument”) will have two child actions:
    • Send Data to User Interface (“uploadDocumentSendToInterface”)
    • Business Rule (“uploadDocumentBR”)
  • Save Data action (“save”)


Upload action parameters

Configure the parameters for the Upload Action:

For more details on uploading a document and configuring the file upload child actions, refer to the following sections:


Configure the Send Message Task

Next, configure the Send Message Tas (Kafka) node by adding a Kafka Send Action and specifying the Kafka topic to send the request.

Identify defined topics in your environment:

  • Navigate to Platform Status > FlowX Components > document-plugin-mngt and press the eye icon on the right side.
  • In the details screen, expand the KafkaTopicsHealthCheckIndicator line and then details → configuration → topic → document → get. Here will find the in and out topics for getting URLs for documents.


Configure the request action

Fill in the body of the request message for the Kafka Send action to send the get URLs request:

Request Message

  • types: A list of document types.

Message request example

Example of a message following the custom integration data model:

  "types": [

Configure the Receive Message Task

Configure the Receive Message Task (Kafka) by adding the ..out kafka topic on which the response will be sent.

Receiving the reply

The response body should include the following values:

  • success: A boolean indicating whether the document exists and the URL was generated successfully.
  • fullName: The full name of the document file, including the directory path.
  • fileName: The name of the document file without the extension.
  • fileExtension: The extension of the document file.
  • url: The full download URL for the document.

Message response example

    "success": true,
    "fullName": "2024/2024-08-27/process-id-1926248/1234_1926248/7715_1926248.pdf",
    "fileName": "2024/2024-08-27/process-id-1926248/1234_1926248/7715_1926248",
    "fileExtension": "pdf",
    "url": "http://minio:9000/qualitance-dev-paperflow-devmain/2024/2024-08-27/process-id-1926248/1234_1926248/7715_1926248.pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=minio%2F20240827%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240827T150257Z&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=575333697714249e9deb295359f5ba9365f618f53303bf5583ca30a9b1c45d84"