These could be either one of the provided custom plugins that we’ve already built or building your desired plugin.

On our roadmap, we’re also looking to enhance the plugins library with 3rd party providers, so stay tuned for more.

High-level architecture

The plugins are microservice apps that can be developed using any tech stack. The only requirement is that they need to be able to connect to the core platform using Kafka events.

Introduction to Kafka

Send message task (Kafka)

Receive message task (Kafka)

To interact with plugins, you need to understand a few details about them:

  • the events that can trigger them
  • the infrastructure components needed
  • the needed configurations

Custom plugins

The currently available plugins are:

  • Documents - easily generate, host and access any kind of documents
  • Notifications - enhance your project with the option of sending custom emails or SMS notifications
  • OCR - helps you scan your documents and integrate them into a business process
  • Task management - a plugin suitable for back-officers and supervisors as it can be used to easily track and assign activities/tasks inside a company.
  • Reporting - a plugin that will help you create and bootstrap custom reports built on generic information about usage and processes metrics

Let’s get into a bit more detail about the custom plugins 🎛️

Document management plugin

Effortless document generation and safe-keeping

The document management plugin securely stores documents, facilitates document generation based on predefined templates and also handles conversion between various document formats.

It offers an easy-to-use interface for handling documents on event-based Kafka streams.

high level architecture

More about Documents plugin

Notifications plugin

Multi-channel notifications made easy

The plugin handles various types of notifications:

  • SMS (if a third party service is available for communication management)
  • email notifications
  • generating and validating OTP passwords for user identity verification

It can also be used to forward custom notifications to external outgoing services. It offers an intuitive interface for defining templates for each kind of notification and handles sending and auditing notifications easily.

high level architecture

More about Notifications plugin

Task management

Helper for back-officers and supervisors, easy track, assignment management

The Task Management plugin has the scope to show a process that you defined using FlowX Designer, using a more business-oriented view. It also offers interactions at the assignment level.

More about Task Management plugin

Customer management

Convenient and secure access to user data

Light CRM uses an Elasticsearch engine to retrieve user details using partial matches on intricate databases.

More about Customer management plugin

OCR plugin

Automatic key information extraction

Used to easily read barcodes or extract handwritten signatures from PDF documents.

More about OCR plugin

Reporting plugin

Easy-to-read dynamic dashboards

Use reporting plugin to build and bootstrap custom reports built on generic information about usage and processes.

More about Reporting plugin