To determine the partitioning strategy used for storing generated documents, you can access the following key in the configuration:


  defaultLocale: en
  supportedLocales: en, ro
  #fileStorageType is the configuration that activates one FileContentService implementation. Valid values: minio / fileSystem
    type: s3
    disk-directory: MS_SVC_DOCUMENT
    partition-strategy: NONE

The partition-strategy property can have two possible values:

  • NONE: In this case, documents are saved in separate buckets for each process instance, following the previous method. PROCESS_DATE: Documents are saved in a single bucket with a subfolder structure based on the process date. For example: bucket/2022/2022-07-04/process-id-xxxx/customer-id/file.pdf.


The Documents Plugin provides the following REST API endpoints for interacting with the stored files:

List buckets

Check out the List buckets API reference for more details.

  • This endpoint returns a list of available buckets.

List objects in a bucket

Check out the List objects in a bucket API reference for more details.

  • This endpoint retrieves a list of objects stored within a specific bucket. Replace BUCKET_NAME with the actual name of the desired bucket

Download file

Check out the Download file API reference for more details.

  • This endpoint allows you to download a file by specifying its path or key.