Why it is important? The Message Throw Intermediate Event is important because it allows different parts of a process to communicate and share information with each other.

Configuring a message throw intermediate event

A Message throw intermediate event is an event in a process where a message is sent to trigger a communication or action with another part of the process (can be correlated with a catch event). It represents the act of throwing a message to initiate a specific task or notification. The event creates a connection between the sending and receiving components, allowing information or instructions to be transmitted. Once the message is thrown, the process continues its flow while expecting a response or further actions from the receiving component.

General config

  • Can go back? - setting this to true will allow users to return to this step after completing it, when encountering a step with canGoBack false, all steps found before it will become unavailable
  • Correlate with catch events - the dropdown contains all catch messages from the process definitions accessible to the user
  • Correlation key - is a process key that uniquely identifies the instance to which the message is sent
  • The data field - allows the user to define a JSON structure with the data to be sent along with the message
  • Stage - assign a stage to the node