On the main screen inside Content models, you have the following elements:

  • Model name - the name of the content model
  • Edited at
  • Edited by
  • Edit - button used to edit a content model
  • View process - click View process to open a content model and see its attributes
  • Export/ Delete (Breadcrumbs menu) - use the breadcrumbs to access the Export and Delete functions
  • New content model - button used to add a new content model

For each entry (when you hit the Open button) inside an enumeration we have to define the following properties:

  • Language
  • Name
  • Attributes (depending on what you add as attributes)

Configuring attributes

Attributes that can be added to a content model can have the following values:

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean

Also, attributes can be either Mandatory or Optional

Adding new content models

To add a new content model, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to FLOWX Designer and select the Content Management tab.
  2. Select Content models from the list.
  3. Click New content model.
  4. Add a suggestive name for your content model.
  5. Fill in the following details:
    • Name (mandatory)
    • Attributes:
      • Name - add a name for the attribute
      • Type - String, Number or Boolean
      • Mandatory - mark an Attribute as mandatory
      • Actions - add or remove

Adding a new content model

Editing content models

To configure an entry inside a content model, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to FLOWX Designer and select the Content Management tab.
  2. Select Content models from the list and select a content model.
  3. Click View process and then click Open.
  4. Click Edit to modify the values.