v3.4.4 November 2023
In version 3.4.4 of FLOWX.AI, we have addressed some issues to improve the stability and reliability of the platform. Here are the key bug fixes in this release:
Bug Fixes 🔧
FLOWX.AI Engine 🚂
- Fixed an issue where sending an extra key when using bulk operations was not working as expected. Now you can attach extra keys to the header and they will be copied to the response. See the example below:
- Fixed a small performance issue
Other Bits
- We’ve bid farewell to the autoarrange function in the Process Designer.
Gremlins to Watch Out For 🙁
Keep an eye out for these quirks:
- Document preview UI element: Our document preview component has a unique sense of style. It prefers to take up only a portion of the screen, even when told to “fill” the entire width. It’s a rebel with a cause.
- Business rules: Our business rule have a language barrier, but they’re working on it. Changing the language of a business rule doesn’t always lead to using the new language for execution. It’s like they have a favorite phrase they won’t let go of.
- Process Designer: Deleting a boundary node in the process designer and coming back from the UI Designer doesn’t always clean up the associated sequence from the boundary event. It’s like they left a party and forgot their hat.
- Datepicker Date Transformation: Our Datepicker seems to possess a hidden talent. It mysteriously transforms random text into the current date when used with validators in UI Designer.
Additional information
For deployment guidelines, refer to:
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