In the latest version, there have been updates and adjustments to process and UI configurations to improve performance and usability. Below are the key changes and steps to migrate your configurations:

Business Rules

  • output.put method is required to generate structured output data when using input to validate or filter incoming data based on certain conditions (commonly used to retrieve information needed for processing)
  • processInstanceID and processInstanceUUID - This release introduces enhancements aimed at isolating process instance related vlaues from business/configured parameters. Key changes include the removal of processInstanceId, parentProcessInstanceId, and parentProcessInstanceUuid from paramValues zone on process instance, relocating them to a distinct location within process instance data - to a new object called “instanceMetadata”.

Business rules - new object “instanceMetadata”

Introducing a new object named “instanceMetadata”. This object will serve as a container for process instance related values, allowing you to access relevant attributes in your scripts more effectively. Key specifications include making certain variables/parameters read-only, controlled by FlowX, and facilitating attribute access through the instanceMetadata object rather than directly calling attributes.

Configurators will utilize instanceMetadata to access attributes instead of directly calling them as in version 3.4.x. For example, input.processInstanceId will be accessed through instanceMetadata.processInstanceId.

Review and update any affected business rules accordingly.

Example of business rule (with Python)

This example is made just to demonstrate the use of the new instanceMetadata.get object.

test_string = "There are 2 apples for 4 persons"
# using List comprehension + isdigit() +split()
# getting numbers from string 
res = [int(i) for i in test_string.split() if i.isdigit()]

output.put("app", {"phyton": str(res), "key3": "Value updated"});

key = input.get("app").get("key1")

id3 = instanceMetadata.get("processInstanceId")
uuid3 = instanceMetadata.get("processInstanceUuid")

output.put("id3", id3);
output.put("uuid3", uuid3);

UI configuration

There are some changes that were brought together with the Theme Management feature to the UI components in 4.0 release that might impact your previous UI configuration.

Root components

  • Card Element: Previously (in v3.4.x) could have set a Card style property: border or be raised.
Card 4.0Card 3.0
Card 4.0
Card 3.0

Now, for processes migrated from v3.4.x to acheive the previous styling (with “raised prop” or “border”) you can either set up from Themes or by using Theme Overrides for Card element in UI Designer:

Depending on the number of Card elements present in your migrated processes, it’s essential to devise a strategic approach. If a significant portion of the cards feature “border” styling, you can configure this setting within Themes Management and will be cascading through all of them. For the remaining cards, manual intervention is required to apply the “raised” effect by overriding their styles using Theme Overrides.

Theme Overrides - Card

Read more about Theme management feature:

Theme management


All primary and secondary buttons, in 4.x they transformed to fill buttons. If there were secondary buttons, once moved to “fill”, they will appear similar to primary ones. You should perform an override in the UI Designer to make them look like secondary buttons as they did initially.

VersionPrimarySecondaryGhostTextFillNew States: Pressed, Hover, Disabled

By following this migration guide, you can seamlessly transition to the Theming 4.0 feature, enhancing your project’s design process and ensuring consistency across platforms and branches.

Icons - no color property

Now, all icon color settings have a “No Color” option, which allows the icon (SVG) to be rendered with its original color settings.

If you are utilizing SVG icons for UI components (such as a left icon on an input element) and you desire to ensure that the color remains consistent regardless of the theme settings, it is imperative to override all states associated with the “Left icon,” as demonstrated in the example below:


In the context of the Theme Management feature, you can now apply the previously configured paddings directly from the previosuly used theme JSONs within the theme settings. Review the paddings you had set up previously and apply them in the Themes section.

Themes → Global Settings → Styles

Components spacing

If you set it in Theme → Global Settings, it will cascade to all the following components:

  • Input/ Selection
  • Buttons
  • Radio/Checkbox
  • Message
  • Segmentted Button
  • Stepper
  • Tabs

If you want to override the padding set in Global Settings for the above components, navigate to Components → Your Component and set your desired padding.

After editing the padding for a component, you can also reset the values and they will be set back to the values you added in Global settings.

Layout elements

To set the padding for layout elements( Cards and Forms), access:

Themes → Components → Layout Elements