Export a process definition

You can export a version of your process definition as a JSON file directly from the versioning menu in the FlowX Designer:

Import a process definition

Given you have exported a version from another environment, when you press the “Import Process” button from the process definition list, then the system opens a local file browser with available JSON files.

There are multiple scenarios you can encounter:

New process definition

The process definition does not exist in the target environment and when the file is submitted then the process definition is added to the target environment and in the branching tree the imported version is displayed as active and unavailable versions as inactive/ placeholders.

Unavailable versions

Existing process definition with no additional versions

The process definition exists in the target environment and does not contain additional versions compared to the ones in the import file. When you submit the file, the branching tree is updated. Imported and existing versions are displayed as active, while unavailable versions are shown as inactive/placeholders.

Additionally, if the current publish policy is “latest submitted” or “latest work in progress” and the import file indicates that the publish version will be overwritten, you’ll see information about the new published version.

You’ll also have the option to update the publish policy:

Existing process definition with additional version

You have an existing process definition with additional versions, and you want to overwrite versions in conflict while being warned about the published version.

The process definition in the target environment contains additional versions compared to the ones in the import file. These versions are children of parent versions that should receive other children versions after import. In this case, you’ll see a message about overwritten versions.

In case the process definition was exported using an incompatible FlowX Designer version, you will receive an error and not be able to import it. It will first need to be adjusted to match the format needed by your current FlowX Designer version.