Follow the next steps to use the user personal number to perform a search query in the customer management plugin.

  1. First make sure the details about customers are indexed in the search engine (for example, elasticSearch).
  2. Open FlowX Designer and create a process definition.
  3. Add a Send Message Task node.
  4. Configure the Send Message Task node by adding the following elements:
  • Kafka topic - defined on the KAFKA_TOPIC_CUSTOMER_SEARCH_IN environment variable
  • Message body (example of identifiers for an indexed customers):

For more examples of keys, check Using the customer management plugin.

  1. Add a Receive Message Task.
  2. Configure the topic on which you want to receive the response from the CRM, on the value of KAFKA_TOPIC_CUSTOMER_SEARCH_OUT environment variable.

Response example:

"searchResults" : {
    "customers" : [ {
      "id" : "ID3456",
      "firstName" : "Jane Doe",
      "lastName" : "Doe",
      "birthDate" : "27.02.1980",
      "cui" : "1820227103840_84",
      "companyName" : "",
      "clientCategory" : "PF_INTL",
      "clientType" : "PF",
      "idSeries" : "RT",
      "idNumber" : "879948",
      "idDocType" : "CI",
      "idExpiryDate" : "27.02.2023",
      "legalForm" : "",
      "listId" : "4691602",
      "mobilePhone" : "0711111111",
      "attributes" : null,
      "type" : "PF"}],
    "hasMore" : false,
    "error" : null