Breaking changes: Starting with version 4.0 the ui-sdk will no longer expect the authToken to be present in the LOCAL_STORAGE. Instead, the authToken will be passed as an input to the flx-process-renderer component. This is mandatory for the SSE to work properly.


  • Node.js min version 20 - Download Node.js
  • Angular CLI version 19. Install Angular CLI globally using the following command:
npm install -g @angular/cli@19

This will allow you to run ng related commands from the terminal.

Angular project requirements

Your app MUST be created using the NG app from the @angular/cli~19 package. It also MUST use SCSS for styling.

npm install -g @angular/cli@19
ng new my-flowx-app

To install the npm libraries provided by FLOWX you will need to obtain access to the private FLOWX Nexus registry. Please consult with your project DevOps.

The library uses Angular version @angular~19, npm v10.8.0 and node v18.20.4.

If you are using an older version of Angular (for example, v16), please consult the following link for update instructions:

Update Angular from v16.0 to v19.0

Installing the library

Use the following command to install the renderer library and its required dependencies:

npm install \
  @flowx/core-theme@<version> \
  @flowx/angular-sdk@<version> \
  @flowx/angular-theme@<version> \
  @flowx/angular-ui-toolkit@<version> \
  @angular/cdk@19 \

Replace <version> with the correct version corresponding to your platform version.

To find the right version, navigate to: Release Notes → Choose your platform version → Deployment guidelines → Component versions.

A few configurations are needed in the projects angular.json:

  • in order to successfully link the pdf viewer, add the following declaration in the assets property:
  "glob": "**/*",
  "input": "node_modules/ng2-pdfjs-viewer/pdfjs",
  "output": "/assets/pdfjs"

Initial setup

Once installed, FlxProcessModule will be imported in the AppModule as FlxProcessModule.withConfig({}).

You MUST also import the dependencies of FlxProcessModule: HttpClientModule from @angular/common/http


Component theming is done through the @flowx/angular-theme library. The theme id is a required input for the renderer SDK component and is used to fetch the theme configuration. The id can be obtained from the admin panel in the themes section.


Every request from the FlowX renderer SDK will be made using the HttpClientModule of the client app, which means those requests will go through every interceptor you define here. This is most important to know when building the auth method as it will be the job of the client app to intercept and decorate the requests with the necessary auth info (eg. Authorziation: Bearer ...).

It’s the responsibility of the client app to implement the authorization flow (using the OpenID Connect standard). The renderer SDK will expect the authToken to be passed to the flx-process-renderer as an input.

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClientModule, HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '@angular/common/http';
import { FlxProcessModule } from '@flowx/angular-sdk';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // will be used by the renderer SDK to make requests
    // needed by the renderer SDK
      components: {},
      services: {},
  // this interceptor with decorate the requests with the Authorization header
  providers: [
    { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: AuthInterceptor, multi: true },
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

The withConfig() call is required in the application module where the process will be rendered. The withConfig() method accepts a config argument where you can pass extra config info, register a custom component, service, or custom validators.

Custom components will be referenced by name when creating the template config for a user task.

Custom validators will be referenced by name (currentOrLastYear) in the template config panel in the validators section of each generated form field.

// example with custom component, custom services and custom validator
  components: {
    YourCustomComponentIdentifier: CustomComponent,
  services: {
  validators: { currentOrLastYear },

  // example of a custom validator that restricts data selection to 
  // the current or the previous year 
  currentOrLastYear: function currentOrLastYear(AC: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } {
    if (!AC) {
      return null;

    const yearDate = moment(AC.value, YEAR_FORMAT, true);
    const currentDateYear = moment(new Date()).startOf('year');
    const lastYear = moment(new Date()).subtract(1, 'year').startOf('year');

    if (!yearDate.isSame(currentDateYear) && !yearDate.isSame(lastYear)) {
      return { currentOrLastYear: true };

    return null;

The error that the validator returns MUST match the validator name.

The entry point of the library is the <flx-process-renderer></flx-process-renderer> component. A list of accepted inputs is found below:



NameDescriptionTypeMandatoryDefault valueExample
apiUrlYour base urlstringtrue-
processApiPathProcess subpathstringtrue-onboarding
authTokenAuthorization tokenstringtrue-‘eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIn…‘
themeIdTheme id used to style the process. Can be obtained from the themes section in the adminstringtrue-‘123-456-789’
processNameIdentifies a processstringtrue-client_identification
processStartDataData required to start the processjsontrue-{ "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith"}
debugLogsWhen set to true this will print WS messages in the consolebooleanfalsefalse-
languageLanguage used to localize the application.stringfalseen-

By default all process data is reset when the process renderer component gets destroyed. Setting this to true will keep process data even if the viewport gets destroyed

isDraftWhen true allows starting a process in draft state. *Note that isDraft = true requires that processName be the id (number) of the process and NOT the name.booleanfalsefalse-
legacyHttpVersionSet this to true only for HTTP versions < 2 in order for SSE to work properly. Can be omitted otherwise.booleanfalsefalse-
projectInfoInformation about the project that contains the process that is being run.objecttrue-{ projectId: '1234-5678-9012' }
localeLocale used to localize the application.stringfalseen-US’en-US’
cacheCaching of static resourcesbooleanfalsetrue-

Data and actions

Custom components will be hydrated with data through the $data input observable which must be defined in the custom component class.

  selector: 'my-custom-component',
  templateUrl: './custom-component.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./custom-component.component.scss'],
export class CustomComponentComponent  {
  data$ = input<Observable<any> | null>(null)

Component actions are always found under data -> actionsFn key.

Action names are configurable via the process editor.

# data object example
data: {
    actionsFn: {
      action_one: () => void;
      action_two: () => void; 

Custom component validation

Custom components can validate their own status. We can inject the FLX_VALIDATOR_SERVICE service and use it to validate the component. Whe service exposes the following properties:

  • validate(isValid: boolean) - used to validate the component
  • saveData(data: any) - used to save data
  • validated$ - used to monitor external submission from the process

Example of the a custom component that validates an input with a required validator:

  selector: 'flx-custom-validation',
  imports: [CommonModule, ReactiveFormsModule],
  template: `
    Custom validation:
    <input [formControl]="fc" />
    @if (formSubmitted() && fc.invalid) {
export class FlxCustomValidationComponent implements OnInit {
  data$ = input<Observable<any> | null>(null) // can be used to get process data & actions

  validationService = inject(FLX_VALIDATOR_SERVICE) // service used to validate the custom component - ony use in components that need validation

  fc = new FormControl('', Validators.required) // the form control has a required validator.
  formSubmitted = signal(false)

  ngOnInit(): void {
    // update validity
    this.fc.statusChanges.subscribe((status) => {
      this.validationService.validate(status === 'VALID')
    // save data
    this.fc.valueChanges.subscribe((value) => {
      this.validationService.saveData({ app: { test1: value, test2: `${value}${value}` } })
    // monitor external submission
    this.validationService.validated$.subscribe(() => {

Custom Interceptors

  • Starting from the FlowX SDKs version 4.6, the Angular HttpClientModule is no longer use internally to make HTTP requests. Thus, we have a new mechanism that allows you to create custom interceptors for handling HTTP requests.

Request Interceptors

  • Here is an example that illustrates how to create an interceptor that adds a custom header to all outgoing requests:
// Import the necessary types
import { FLX_REQUEST_INTERCEPTORS_CONFIG } from '@flowx/angular-sdk'
import { HttpRequestInterceptor } from '@flowx/core-sdk'

// create the interceptor factory function

const customHeaderInterceptor: HttpRequestInterceptor[] = [
    onFulfilled: (response) => {
      response.headers['custom-header'] = 'custom-value'
      return response

// Add the interceptor to the providers array in the main app module

  useValue: customHeaderInterceptor,

Response Interceptors

  • Here is an example that illustrates how to create an interceptor that shows a message when a response errors out:
import { FLX_RESPONSE_INTERCEPTORS_CONFIG } from '@flowx/angular-sdk'
import { HttpResponseInterceptor } from '@flowx/core-sdk'

const customHErrorInterceptor: HttpResponseInterceptor[] = [
    onRejected: (response) => {
      if (response.status !== 200) {
        console.error('Something went wrong, we should handle this!', response.message)
      return response

// Add the interceptor to the providers array in the main app module
  useValue: customHErrorInterceptor,

Interceptors that use Dependency injection

  • If you need to use a service in your interceptor, you can use provider factories coupled with the deps property to inject the service into the interceptor:
// the interceptor factory function that receives the custom service as an argument through dependency injection:
const interceptor: (custom: any) => HttpRequestInterceptor[] = (customService: CustomService) => [{
  onFulfilled: (response) => {
    // do something with the custom service
    // interceptor logic
    return response

// Add the interceptor to the providers array in the main app module
  useFactory: (customService: CustomService) => [
  deps: [CustomService], // provider factory dependencies

Using custom icons

The SDK provides a mechanism for using custom icons. Providers for custom icons should be included in the main app module in order to be available for the whole application.

import { FlxIconModule } from '@flowx/angular-ui-toolkit'

// create a custom dictionary of icons
const customIconDictionary = {
  'custom-icon': 'custom icon svg'

// add the custom icon dictionary to the providers array in the main app module. 
providers: [

Enumerations and translations

The SDK library provides a mechanism for handling enumerations and translations. The api for the method that handles enumerations is provided by the getEnumeration method which is Promise based.

These methods should only be used in custom components and within a process context because internal requests depend on the presence of a running project details.

Custom enumerations

import {getEnumeration} from '@flowx/angular-sdk'

// get an enumeration by name
const enumeration = await getEnumeration('enumerationName')

// get enumeration with a parent
const enumeration = await getEnumeration('enumerationName', 'parentName')

// get enumerations and cache the result for subsequent calls
const enumerations = await getEnumerations('enumerationName', null, true)


The SDK provides a FlxLocalizePipe that allows you to manage translations within your application. The pipe is standalone and can be used both in templates and in custom components.

  • Here is an example of how to use the pipe in a template:
// import the pipe in the module where you want to use it
import { FlxLocalizePipe } from '@flowx/angular-sdk'

imports: [
<!-- use the pipe in the template of a custom component -->
<span>{{ 'hello' | flxLocalize }}</span>
  • Here is an example of how to use the pipe in a custom component:
const localize = new FlxLocalizePipe()
const translatedText = localize.transform('@@substitution_tag')


The SDK provides a caching mechanism for static resources. The cache is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting the cache input of the flx-process-renderer component to false. When turned on, the cache will store the static resources in the browser’s cache storage.

In order to reset the cache, you can go to the Application (chrome) or Storage (firefox) tab in the browser Dev tools and either clear the cache or disable the cache for the current site.

@Dragos - insert Chrome and Firefox screenshots here

Interacting with the process

Data from the process is communicated via Server Send Event protocol under the following keys:

Datadata updates for process model bound to default/custom components
ProcessMetadataupdates about process metadata, ex: progress update, data about how to render components
RunActioninstructs the UI to perform the given action

Task management component

The flx-task-manager component is available in the FlxTaskManagementComponent. To use it, import the required module in your Angular project:

import { FlxTasksManagementComponent } from '@flowx/angular-sdk';


Include the component in your template:



apiUrlEndpoint where the tasks are availablestring
authTokenAuthorization tokenstring(retrieved from local storage)
appIdThe application IDstring(retrieved dynamically)
viewDefinitionIdThe view configuration identifierstring(retrieved dynamically)
themeIdThe theme identifierstring(retrieved dynamically)
languageThe selected languagestring(retrieved dynamically)
localeThe localization settingstring(retrieved dynamically)
buildIdThe current build identifierstring(retrieved dynamically)
staticAssetsPathPath for static resourcesstring(set via environment)

Coding style tests

Always follow the Angular official coding styles.

Below you will find a Storybook which will demonstrate how components behave under different states, props, and conditions, it allows you to preview and interact with individual UI components in isolation, without the need for a full-fledged application:

Storybook (v4.7.0)