The Application Manager and Runtime Manager share the same container image and Helm chart. Refer to the Deployment Guidelines in the release notes to ensure compatibility and verify the correct version.

Infrastructure prerequisites

The Runtime Manager service requires the following components to be set up before it can be started:

  • PostgreSQL - version 13 or higher for managing application data
  • MongoDB - version 4.4 or higher for managing runtime data
  • Redis - version 6.0 or higher (if required)
  • Kafka - version 2.8 or higher for event-driven communication between services
  • OAuth2 Authentication - Ensure a compatible OAuth2 authorization server is configured.



General environment variables

The following environment variables provide essential configurations:

  • LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE - Path to the logging configuration file for customized logging levels.
  • SPRING_APPLICATION_NAME - Sets the application name.
    • Default Value: application-manager -> must be changed to runtime-manager.

Database configuration

The Runtime Manager uses the same PostgreSQL (to store application data) and MongoDB (to manage runtime data) as application-manager. Configure these database connections with the following environment variables:

PostgreSQL (Application data)

  • SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL - Database URL for the PostgreSQL data source (same as the one configured in application-manager setup)

MongoDB (Runtime data)

  • SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_URI - URI for connecting to MongoDB for runtime data (same as the one configured in application-manager setup)
    • Format: mongodb://${DB_USERNAME}:${DB_PASSWORD}@<host1>,<host2>,<arbiter-host>:<port>/${DB_NAME}?retryWrites=false
  • DB_USERNAME: app-runtime
  • DB_NAME: app-runtime
  • DB_PASSWORD: DB password.

Configuring Kafka

Kafka is used for event-driven operations within the Runtime Handler. Set up the Kafka configuration using the following environment variables:

  • SPRING_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS - Address of the Kafka server in the format host:port
  • KAFKA_TOPIC_NAMING_ENVIRONMENT - Environment-specific suffix for Kafka topics

Kafka OAuth Authentication

To securely integrate with Kafka, configure the following OAuth credentials:

  • KAFKA_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID - OAuth Client ID for Kafka
  • KAFKA_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET - OAuth Client Secret for Kafka
  • KAFKA_OAUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT_URI - OAuth Token Endpoint URI for obtaining Kafka tokens
    • Format: https://<auth-server>/auth/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/token

Configuring authentication and access roles

Runtime Handler uses OAuth2 for secure access control. Set up the OAuth2 configurations with the following environment variables:

  • SECURITY_OAUTH2_BASE_SERVER_URL - Base URL for the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server
  • SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_CLIENT_ID - Unique identifier for the client application registered with the OAuth 2.0 server
  • SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_CLIENT_SECRET - Secret key for authenticating requests made by the authorization client
  • SECURITY_OAUTH2_REALM - The realm name for OAuth2 authentication

Redis configuration (optional)

If Redis is required for caching, set the following environment variable:

  • SPRING_REDIS_HOST - Hostname or IP address of the Redis server

Configuring file storage

For file storage needs, configure the S3-compatible storage with the following environment variable:

  • APPLICATION_FILE_STORAGE_S3_SERVER_URL - URL of the S3-compatible storage server for storing application files.

Ingress configuration

For exposing the Runtime manager service, configure public, admin and adminInstances ingress settings:

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    hostname: "{{ .Values.flowx.ingress.public }}"
    path: /rtm/api/runtime(/|$)(.*)
    annotations: /api/runtime/$2 DNT,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range,Authorization,platform,Flowx-Platform
    enabled: true
    hostname: "{{ .Values.flowx.ingress.admin }}"
    path: /rtm/api/build-mgmt(/|$)(.*)
    annotations: /api/build-mgmt/$2 DNT,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range,Authorization,platform,Flowx-Platform
    enabled: true
    hostname: "{{ .Values.flowx.ingress.admin }}"
    path: /rtm/api/runtime(/|$)(.*)
    annotations: /api/runtime/$2 DNT,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range,Authorization,platform,Flowx-Platform

Note: Replace placeholders in environment variables with the appropriate values for your environment before starting the service.