Infrastructure prerequisites

  • MongoDB: Version 4.4 or higher for storing taxonomies and contents.
  • Kafka: Version 2.8 or higher.
  • OpenID Connect Settings: Default settings are for Keycloak.


  • MongoDB database
  • Ability to connect to a Kafka instance used by the FlowX Engine
  • Scheduler service account - required for using Start Timer event node - see here

The service comes with most of the required configuration properties pre-filled. However, certain custom environment variables need to be set up.


MongoDB helm example

Basic MongoDB configuration - helm values.yaml

    existingSecret: {{secretName}}
    mongodbDatabase: {{SchedulerDatabaseName}}
    mongodbUsername: {{SchedulerDatabaseUser}}
      enabled: true
      mountPath: /bitnami/mongodb
      size: 4Gi
      enabled: true
      name: rs0
        enabled: trues
          arbiter: 1
          secondary: 1
        arbiter: 1
        secondary: 1
      useHostnames: true
      create: false
    usePassword: true

This service needs to connect to a Mongo database that has replicas, in order to work correctly.

Scheduler configuration


  thread-count: 30  # Configure the number of threads to be used for sending expired messages.
  callbacks-thread-count: 60 # Configure the number of threads for handling Kafka responses, whether the message was successfully sent or not
  cronExpression: "*/10 * * * * *" #every 10 seconds
  retry: # new retry mechanism
    max-attempts: 3
    seconds: 1
    thread-count: 3
    cronExpression: "*/10 * * * * *" #every 10 seconds
    cronExpression: "*/25 * * * * *" #every 25 seconds
  • SCHEDULER_THREAD_COUNT: Used to configure the number of threads to be used for sending expired.
  • SCHEDULER_CALLBACKS_THREAD_COUNT: Used to configure the number of threads for handling Kafka responses, whether the message was successfully sent or not.

The “scheduler.cleanup.cronExpression” is valid for both scheduler and timer event scheduler.

Retry mechanism

  • SCHEDULER_RETRY_THREAD_COUNT: Specify the number of threads to use for resending messages that need to be retried.
  • SCHEDULER_RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS: This configuration parameter sets the number of retry attempts. For instance, if it’s set to 3, it means that the system will make a maximum of three retry attempts for message resending.
  • SCHEDULER_RETRY_SECONDS: This configuration parameter defines the time interval, in seconds, for retry attempts. For example, when set to 1, it indicates that the system will retry the operation after a one-second delay.


  • SCHEDULER_CLEANUP_CRONEXPRESSION: It specifies how often, in seconds, events that have already been processed should be cleaned up from the database.

Recovery mechanism

    delay-max-repetitions: 1000000

You have a “next execution” set for 10:25, and the cycle step is 10 minutes. If the instance goes down for 2 hours, the next execution time should be 12:25, not 10:35. To calculate this, you add 10 minutes repeatedly to 10:25 until you reach the current time. So, it would be 10:25 + 10 min + 10 min + 10 min, until you reach the current time of 12:25. This ensures that the next execution time is adjusted correctly after the downtime.

  • FLOWX_TIMER_CALCULATOR_DELAY_MAX_REPETITIONS: This means that, for example, if our cycle step is set to one second and the system experiences a downtime of two weeks, which is equivalent to 1,209,600 seconds, and we have the “max repetitions” set to 1,000,000, it will attempt to calculate the next schedule. However, when it reaches the maximum repetitions, an exception is thrown, making it impossible to calculate the next schedule. As a result, the entry remains locked and needs to be rescheduled. This scenario represents a critical case where the system experiences extended downtime, and the cycle step is very short (e.g., 1 second), leading to the inability to determine the next scheduled event.

Timer event scheduler

Configuration for Timer Event scheduler designed to manage timer events. Similar configuration to scheduler.

  thread-count: 30
  callbacks-thread-count: 60
  cronExpression: "*/1 * * * * *" #every 1 seconds
    max-attempts: 3
    seconds: 1
    thread-count: 3
    cronExpression: "*/5 * * * * *" #every 5 seconds

OpenID connect settings

Default settings are for Keycloak.

  • SECURITY_TYPE: Indicates that OAuth 2.0 is the chosen security type, default value: oauth2.
  • SECURITY_PATHAUTHORIZATIONS_0_PATH: Defines a security path or endpoint pattern. It specifies that the security settings apply to all paths under the “/api/” path. The ** is a wildcard that means it includes all subpaths under “/api/**“.
  • SECURITY_PATHAUTHORIZATIONS_0_ROLESALLOWED: Specifies the roles allowed for accessing the specified path. In this case, the roles allowed are empty (""). This might imply that access to the “/api/**” paths is open to all users or that no specific roles are required for authorization.
  type: oauth2
    - path: "/api/**" 
      rolesAllowed: "ANY_AUTHENTICATED_USER"
  • SECURITY_OAUTH2_BASE_SERVER_URL: This setting specifies the base URL of the OpenID server, which is used for authentication and authorization.
  • SECURITY_OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_CLIENT_ID: This setting specifies the service account that is essential for enabling the Start Timer event node. Ensure that you provide the correct client ID for this service account.
  • SECURITY_OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET: Along with the client ID, you must also specify the client secret associated with the service account for proper authentication.

More details about the necessary service account, here:

Scheduler service account

    base-server-url: http://localhost:8080/auth
    realm: flowx
      access-token-uri: ${security.oauth2.base-server-url}/realms/${security.oauth2.realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token
      client-id: flowx-platform-authorize
      client-secret: wrongsecret
      user-info-uri: ${security.oauth2.base-server-url}/realms/${security.oauth2.realm}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo
        client-id: flowx-scheduler-core-sa
        client-secret: wrongsecret

Configuring datasoruce (MongoDB)

The MongoDB database is used to persist scheduled messages until they are sent back. The following configurations need to be set using environment variables:

  • SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_URI: The URI for the MongoDB database.

Configuring Kafka

The following Kafka related configurations can be set by using environment variables:

  • SPRING_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: Address of the Kafka server
  • SPRING_KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID: Group of consumers
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_THREADS (default: 1): The number of Kafka consumer threads
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_SCHEDULED_TIMER_EVENTS_THREADS (default: 1): The number of Kafka consumer threads related to starting Timer Events
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_SCHEDULED_TIMER_EVENTS_GROUP_ID: Group of consumers related to starting timer events
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_STOP_SCHEDULED_TIMER_EVENTS_THREADS- (default: 1): The number of Kafka consumer threads related to stopping Timer events
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_STOP_SCHEDULED_TIMER_EVENTS_GROUP_ID: Group of consumers related to stopping timer events
  • KAFKA_AUTH_EXCEPTION_RETRY_INTERVAL: The interval between retries after AuthorizationException is thrown by KafkaConsumer
  • KAFKA_TOPIC_SCHEDULE_IN_SET: Receives scheduled message setting requests from the Admin and Process engine microservices
  • KAFKA_TOPIC_SCHEDULER_IN_STOP: Handles requests from the Admin and Process engine microservices to terminate scheduled messages.
  • KAFKA_TOPIC_SCHEDULED_TIMER_EVENTS_IN_SET: Needed to use Timer Events nodes
  • KAFKA_TOPIC_SCHEDULED_TIMER_EVENTS_IN_STOP: Needed to use Timer Events nodes

Each action available in the service corresponds to a Kafka event. A separate Kafka topic must be configured for each use-case.

Make sure the topics configured for this service don’t follow the engine pattern.

Configuring logging

The following environment variables could be set in order to control log levels:

  • LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT: INFO (Default): Root Spring Boot microservice logs
  • LOGGING_LEVEL_APP: App level logs