Application manager setup
The Application Manager is a backend microservice for managing FlowX applications, libraries, versions, manifests, configurations, and builds. This guide provides detailed instructions for setting up the service and configuring its components to manage application-related operations effectively.
Application manager is microservice meant manage applications and also acts as a proxy for front-end requests related to resources.
Infrastructure prerequisites
Before you start setting up the Application Manager service, ensure the following infrastructure components are in place:
- Docker Engine - version 17.06 or higher
- PostgreSQL - version 13 or higher for storing application data (could vary based on your preferred relational database)
- MongoDB - version 4.4 or higher for managing runtime builds
- Redis - version 6.0 or higher (if caching is required)
- Kafka - version 2.8 or higher for messaging and event-driven communication between services
Ensure that the database for storing application data is properly set up and configured before starting the service.
The Application Manager relies on several other FlowX services and components:
- Database instance - To store application details, manifests, and configurations
- Authorization & Access Management
- Kafka Event Bus
- Proxy Mechanism - Ensure resource endpoints are accessible through the application-proxy.
Environment variables
- Connection string for the relational databaseAPP_MANAGER_DB_USER
- Username for the databaseAPP_MANAGER_DB_PASSWORD
- Password for the databaseAPP_MANAGER_DB_NAME
- Database name
Configuring authorization and access roles
To integrate the Application Manager with the identity management system for authorization, set the following environment variables:
- Base URL for the OAuth 2.0 Authorization ServerSECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_CLIENT_ID
- Unique identifier for the client application registered with the OAuth 2.0 serverSECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_CLIENT_SECRET
- Secret key for authenticating requests made by the authorization clientSECURITY_OAUTH2_REALM
- The realm name for OAuth2 authenticationSECURITY_OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_CLIENT_ID
- Client ID for the application manager service accountSECURITY_OAUTH2_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET
- Client Secret for the application manager service account
Refer to the dedicated section for configuring user roles and access rights:
Access Management
Database configuration
Configure the data sources for PostgreSQL and MongoDB as follows:
PostgreSQL (application data)
- Driver class for PostgreSQL
Configuring MongoDB (runtime database - additional data)
The Application Manager requires MongoDB to store runtime build information. Use the following environment variables for configuration:
- URI for connecting to the MongoDB instanceSPRING_DATA_MONGODB_RUNTIME_ENABLED
- Enables runtime MongoDB usage- Default Value:
- Default Value:
- Specifies the storage type used for MongoDB- Possible Values:
- Default Value:
- Possible Values:
Details to connect to Runtime database (if runtime is enabled):
- URI for connecting to MongoDB for runtime data
Configuring Redis
If caching is required, configure Redis using the following environment variables:
- Hostname or IP address of the Redis serverSPRING_REDIS_PASSWORD
- Password for authenticating with the Redis server
Configuring Kafka
The Application Manager uses Kafka for event-driven operations. Set up the Kafka configuration using the following environment variables:
- Address of the Kafka server, formatted as “host”SPRING_KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP_ID
- Consumer group ID for Kafka topicsKAFKA_CONSUMER_THREADS
- Number of Kafka consumer threads
The Application Manager uses a structured naming convention for Kafka topics, designed to support flexibility through pre-defined components in the topic structure. These components, while not directly configurable, allow optional modifications when the desired version cannot be obtained through $package . $environment . $separator . $version
Each topic adheres to a consistent naming schema for streamlined communication across environments and versions.
Topic naming components
Component | Description | Default Value |
package | Package identifier for namespace | ai.flowx. |
environment | Environment identifier | dev. |
version | Version identifier for topic compatibility | .v1 |
separator | Primary separator for components | . |
separator2 | Secondary separator for additional distinction | - |
prefix | Combines package and environment as a topic prefix | ${kafka.topic.naming.package}${kafka.topic.naming.environment} |
suffix | Appends version to the end of the topic name | ${kafka.topic.naming.version} |
Application resource topics
Resource Export
- Pattern:
- Purpose: For exporting application resources.
- Example:
- Pattern:
Resource Import
- Pattern:
- Purpose: For importing application resources.
- Example:
- Pattern:
Build resource topics
Build Export
- Pattern:
- Purpose: For exporting build resources.
- Example:
- Pattern:
Build Import
- Pattern:
- Purpose: For importing build resources.
- Example:
- Pattern:
Process topics
Start for Event
- Pattern:
- Purpose: For triggering process start events.
- Example:
- Pattern:
Scheduled Timer Events
- Set Timer Schedule
- Pattern:
- Purpose: For setting scheduled timer events.
- Example:
- Pattern:
- Stop Timer Schedule
- Pattern:
- Purpose: For stopping scheduled timer events.
- Example:
- Pattern:
- Set Timer Schedule
Audit topics
- Audit Output
- Pattern:
- Purpose: For sending audit-related events.
- Example:
- Pattern:
These Kafka topics use predefined naming conventions for ease of use. Optional adjustments may be made if the desired topic name cannot be achieved with the $package . $environment . $separator . $version
Configuring resource proxy
The Resource Proxy module forwards resource-related requests to appropriate services, handling CRUD operations on the manifest. It requires proper configuration of proxy endpoints:
- RESOURCE_PROXY_MANIFEST_URL - URL for managing the application manifest
- RESOURCE_PROXY_TARGET_URL - URL for forwarding resource-related requests to their respective services
Configuring logging
To control the logging levels for the Application Manager, use the following environment variables:
- LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT - Log level for the root service logs
- LOGGING_LEVEL_APP - Log level for application-level logs
- LOGGING_LEVEL_DB - Log level for database interactions
Configuring file storage (optional)
If the Application Manager requires file storage for resources or builds, configure S3-compatible storage using the following environment variables:
- APPLICATION_FILE_STORAGE_S3_URL - URL of the S3-compatible storage server
- APPLICATION_FILE_STORAGE_S3_BUCKET_NAME - S3 bucket name for storing application files
- APPLICATION_FILE_STORAGE_S3_ACCESS_KEY - Access key for S3 storage
- APPLICATION_FILE_STORAGE_S3_SECRET_KEY - Secret key for S3 storage
Configuring application management
Configure the management of applications, builds, and related resources using these variables:
- APP_MANAGER_MAX_FILE_SIZE - Maximum file size allowed for uploads
- APP_MANAGER_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE - Maximum request size for uploads
- APP_MANAGER_BUILD_POLICY - Build policy configuration for the Application Manager
Data model overview
The Application Manager stores application data using a relational database schema, with key entities such as application, application_version, and application_manifest. Below are descriptions of primary entities:
- Application - Defines an application with its details like name, type, and metadata.
- Application Branch - Represents branches for versioning within an application.
- Application Version - Keeps track of each version of an application, including committed and WIP statuses.
- Application Manifest - Contains the list of resources associated with a specific application version.
Monitoring and maintenance
To monitor the performance and health of the Application Manager, use tools like Prometheus or Grafana. Configure Prometheus metrics with the following environment variable:
- MANAGEMENT_PROMETHEUS_METRICS_EXPORT_ENABLED - Enables or disables Prometheus metrics export (default: false).
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