Configuring the process

To configure a business process that sends notifications you must follow the next steps:

DEVELOPER: Make sure the needed Kafka topics are configured properly.

Kafka topic names can be set by using the following environment variables:

  • KAFKA_TOPIC_NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_IN - topic used to trigger the request to send a notification
  • KAFKA_TOPIC_NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_OUT - topic used for sending replies after sending the notification

The following values are expected in the request body:

languageThe language that should be usedMandatory
templateNameThe name of the notification template that is usedMandatory
channelNotification channel: SMS/MAILMandatory
receiversNotification receivers: email/phone numberMandatory
senderEmailNotification sender emailOptional
senderNameNotification sender nameOptional
attachmentsAttachments that are sent with the notification template (only used for MAIL notifications)Optional

Check the detailed example below.

Example: send a notification from a business flow

Let’s pick a simple use-case, say we need to send a new welcome letter when we onboard a new customer. The steps are the following:

  1. Configure the template that you want to use for the welcome email, see the previous section, Managing notification templates for more information.

  1. Use the FlowX.AI Designer to add a Send Message Task and a Receive Message Task.
  2. On the Send Message Task add a proper configuration to the action, the Kafka topic and request body message to be sent:
  • Topics - KAFKA_TOPIC_NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_IN - (in our example, flowx-notifications-qa)

You can check the defined topics by going to FlowX Designer > Platform Status > notification-plugin-mngt > kafkaTopicsHealthCheckIndicator > details > configuration > topic > notifications.

  • Message (expected parameters):
    • templateName
    • channel
    • language
    • receivers
  • Headers - it is always {"processInstanceId": ${processInstanceId}}

  1. On the Receive Message Task add the needed topic to receive the kafka response - KAFKA_TOPIC_NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_OUT - (in our example,

  1. Run the process and look for the response (you can view it via the Audit log) or checking the responses on the Kafka topic defined at KAFKA_TOPIC_NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_OUT variable.


  "identifier": null,
  "templateName": "welcomeLetter",
  "language": "en",
  "error": null