v3.4.1 September 2023
Welcome to the FLOWX.AI v3.4.1 patch release! In this update, we’ve fine-tuned your FLOWX.AI experience with fixes and enhancements. While it may not be a major version update, it’s packed with valuable improvements.
What’s new
Scheduler Configuration
- We’ve introduced a new configuration for the Scheduler microservice. Learn more in our deployment guidelines.
Bug Fixes 🔧
Timer Events
Fixed Timer Events Shyness
- We’ve given our timer events a little nudge, and they will now reliably appear on the canvas after refreshing the page.
Resolved Mandatory Fields Error Messages
- Our system has become more serious about mandatory fields and will now consistently display error messages when required fields are empty.
Improved Timer Expression Validators
- We’ve implemented validators for timer expressions, ensuring they follow the rules as expected.
Fixed Timer Events in Read-Only Process Versions
- Timer events will now behave appropriately and disable their fields in read-only process versions.
Enhanced Versioning System
- We’ve made significant improvements to the versioning system to resolve these issues. Branch merging and UUID handling have been optimized, and the branching graph now consistently appears during import/export operations.
Swimlane allocation
Removed Lingering UI After Process Definition Deletion
- We’ve cleared away this lingering UI, so you won’t encounter remnants of deleted process definitions in the swimlane allocation interface anymore.
Revised Cache Key Organization
- Check the deployment guidelines for more information:
Revised Cache Key Organization
Other Bits
- Bid farewell to the autoarrange function in the Process Designer.
Gremlins to Watch Out For 🙁
Keep an eye out for these quirks:
- Slider UI element: Our slider component can be a bit mysterious at times. Currently, it enjoys a game of hide-and-seek with the correct value when sourced from process data.
- Document preview UI element: Our document preview component has a unique sense of style. It prefers to take up only a portion of the screen, even when told to “fill” the entire width. It’s a rebel with a cause.
- Business rules: Our business rule have a language barrier, but they’re working on it. Changing the language of a business rule doesn’t always lead to using the new language for execution. It’s like they have a favorite phrase they won’t let go of.
- Process Designer: Deleting a boundary node in the process designer and coming back from the UI Designer doesn’t always clean up the associated sequence from the boundary event. It’s like they left a party and forgot their hat.
Additional information
For deployment guidelines, refer to:
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